I have been unsuccesful in troubleshooting the following error.
Message System exception sending 'ImperiumAdvanceCamp'/'Start' to Machines and Managers (GlobalVariablesAndMessageTracker): Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Here is the console message:
Code: Select all
[Error] Message System exception sending 'ImperiumAdvanceCamp'/'Start' to Machines and Managers (GlobalVariablesAndMessageTracker): Object reference not set to an instance of an object
MessageSystem.SendMessageWithTarget() at /3rdParty/Tools/Pixel Crushers/Common/Scripts/Message System/MessageSystem.cs:370
368: catch (System.Exception e)
369: {
--> 370: Debug.LogError("Message System exception sending '" + message + "'/'" + parameter + "' to " + x.listener + ": " + e.Message);
371: }
372: }
MessageSystem.SendMessage() at /3rdParty/Tools/Pixel Crushers/Common/Scripts/Message System/MessageSystem.cs:430
428: public static void SendMessage(object sender, string message, string parameter, params object[] values)
429: {
--> 430: SendMessageWithTarget(sender, null, message, parameter, values);
431: }
ImperiumAdvancedCampSceneStart/<SceneLoad>d__3.MoveNext() at /_Project/Scenes/Imperium Advanced Camp/ImperiumAdvancedCampSceneStart.cs:36
34: //Message to set quest active (Journal and HUD are tied to quest being active)
--> 36: MessageSystem.SendMessage(this.gameObject, "ImperiumAdvanceCamp", "Start");
38: }
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private void OnEnable()
messageList = new();
questIDs = new();
foreach (var quest in questDatabase.questAssets)
foreach (var questID in questIDs)
if (questID != null)
MessageSystem.AddListener(this, questID, string.Empty);