How do I change the dialog trigger?

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How do I change the dialog trigger?

Post by PinkPanther »

I need the dialog to start at the start of the game, and then to be able to continue the dialog using the button. I need to somehow change the On Start trigger to OnUse. How to do it?
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Tony Li
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Re: How do I change the dialog trigger?

Post by Tony Li »


Those seem like two separate things.

> I need the dialog to start at the start of the game, and then to be able to continue the dialog using the button.

Inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject, and set Display Settings > Subtitle Settings > Continue Button to Always.

> I need to somehow change the On Start trigger to OnUse. How to do it?

What's the purpose for doing this? You could either set up two Dialogue System Triggers (one set to OnStart, another to OnUse), or in C# change the trigger, such as:

Code: Select all

GetComponent<DialogueSystemTrigger>().trigger = DialogueSystemTriggerEvent.OnUse;
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