AC Integration - Cursor and Camera

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AC Integration - Cursor and Camera

Post by kyuubi »

Hi Tony,

I am having an issue with AC integration.

Basically, when I have a camera moving and a DS dialog starts the camera immediately stops, the dialog plays and then the camera resumes which creates confusion. I can overcome this by setting "Take Camera Control" to never. However, when I have actual conversations, then I can't use the Cam sequencer commands.

The other issue is the cursor. When I am playing AC cutscenes the cursor gets hidden, but DS ignores this and shows the cursor when I play the Dialog in the middle of a cutscene. Again I can overcome this by setting "Dialog State" to never but then in actual conversations I get no cursor to select my lines.

I am sure this is just me doing it wrong, but can you clarify?

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Tony Li
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Re: AC Integration - Cursor and Camera

Post by Tony Li »


Maybe I'm not understanding the situation, but can you just set Use Dialog State and Take Camera Control to If Player Involved?

When AC is in the Dialog State, it shows the cursor. (I designed the AC integration to let AC manage as much as possible, including cursor control.)

If Take Camera Control is set to If Player Involved, the Dialogue System will take camera control if the player is the conversation's primary Actor or Conversant.

Perhaps these settings shouldn't be one-size-fits-all. Would it help to provide Take Camera Control and Use Dialog State checkboxes on the Third Party: Dialogue System Conversation action? These checkboxes would override the settings on the Adventure Creator Bridge.
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Re: AC Integration - Cursor and Camera

Post by kyuubi »

Hi Tony,

If I use the above settings on anything but never the situations occur: cursor still shows on cutscenes and dialog still takes control of camera.

I think the action would probably solve things. I could say in actions where I am going to have an actual dialog to relinquish control to DS leaving control in AC all the time (global settings), or the other way around.

Does that make sense?

Thanks for the help,

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Tony Li
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Re: AC Integration - Cursor and Camera

Post by Tony Li »


Okay, the updated package (2016-10-09) on the Dialogue System Extras page should work the way you're looking for.
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Re: AC Integration - Cursor and Camera

Post by kyuubi »


You are a legend!

Totally solves the issue and creates a lot more flexibility for us.

Thank you, thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: AC Integration - Cursor and Camera

Post by Tony Li »

Happy to help! I think these improvements will help out a lot of other AC users, too, so thank you for suggesting them!
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