Subtitles With Response Menu problems

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Subtitles With Response Menu problems

Post by Umafia »

Hi, I've recently been tinkering with the Dialogue System for Unity asset and I've been pretty happy with it so far however I wanted to have the dialogue and player options be presented within the same text box. Going through the Dialogue Setup Wizard on the Subtitles section I've got "NPC Subtitles During Line" and "With Response Menu" both checked hoping that it would "display the last NPC Subtitle during the player response menu" but I've looked back and forth between interactions with it unchecked and checked and can't see much of a difference. I'm using the Vn Template Standard Dialogue UI and have checked a couple others but I'm unable to produce a text box with the NPCs question along with the players list of responses.

How would I go about doing this and do you have any suggestions on formatting it so that I'd be able to move down the Response Menu based off of how long the subtitle text is?

(attached visual image to how I'm looking to format the text box)
sample.jpeg (6.26 KiB) Viewed 226 times
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Tony Li
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Re: Subtitles With Response Menu problems

Post by Tony Li »


You can move the subtitle text and response menu panel both inside the scroll view's content:

bothVisible.png (31.36 KiB) Viewed 224 times

Here's an example prefab:

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Re: Subtitles With Response Menu problems

Post by Umafia »

Thanks for the quick response I and sorry for the late reply, I've got everything formatted the way I was looking for using the prefab you posted!
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Tony Li
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Re: Subtitles With Response Menu problems

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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