Editor Window - nodes and snapping

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Editor Window - nodes and snapping

Post by michaelheiml »

Hi Tony,

I have another question or suggestions about the editor window:

When I enable "snap to grid" (which is quite handy to have a clean node layout) there are some issues that can get really annoying and I thought maybe you could improve that a bit:

1) When having multiple nodes selected, only the first selected node is snapped to the grid. All other nodes are still "floating" around when dragndrop rather than snapping (lets say I have properly snapped 3 nodes vertically, now when I want to move them together, only the top node is snapping, the middle and the lower one are floating).

2) When snapping is on and I click on a node (just to select it), it quite often is moved a bit too in the same moment, so I have to move it back to where it should be. I assume this could be easily prevented if there is a little time gap between "just selecting" and "select and move".

3) when using "arrange nodes" it would be fantastic if those nodes do not jump to seemingly randomly somewhere else in the window but snap to the closest grid position relative to their current position.

4) actually not related to "snap to grid" but also suggestion, would it be possible to "end" the input after double clicking a node by pressing ENTER rather than clicking somewhere in empty space (or on another node that then gets selected which I do not want). ENTER would be so much faster (and 1:1 how the Unity Inspector works). For actually making a new line in the dialogue you could use Shift+Enter or Alt+Enter, I think Google Spreadsheets does it that way too..

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Tony Li
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Re: Editor Window - nodes and snapping

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Michael,

For (1) - (3), please back up your project and update to the current version of the Dialogue System. I made some improvements to grid snapping.

For (4), that's a good idea. I'll try to add that into version 2.2.40.
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Re: Editor Window - nodes and snapping

Post by michaelheiml »

Hi Tony,

ok great, will update!

As always, thanks for your time + support,

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Tony Li
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Re: Editor Window - nodes and snapping

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help! Make sure you have a good backup before updating DS or any asset, just to be safe.
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