Issue after using Application.LoadLevel?

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Issue after using Application.LoadLevel?

Post by haocow »

After I load my second scene, my dialogue no longer shows up.  I can still see alerts pop up, but any conversation I initiate no longer appears?  How can I fix this?
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Tony Li
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Issue after using Application.LoadLevel?

Post by Tony Li »


What GUI system are you using? Is your dialogue UI part of the scene, or is it a reference to a prefab?

If it's Unity UI, make the canvas a child of the Dialogue Manager GameObject so it persists across scene changes. (And make sure your second scene has an EventSystem, too. You can make the EventSystem a child of the Dialogue Manager also if necessary.)

On the Dialogue Manager, are Don't Destroy On Load and Allow Only One Instance ticked? If so, the Dialogue Manager from the original scene should stick around. Don't include a Dialogue Manager when building your second scene.

Please set the Dialogue Manager's Debug Level to Info and reproduce the issue. Does the Console view show the log entry "Dialogue System: Starting conversation..."?

Please feel free to send an example project to tony (at) I'll be happy to take a look.

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Issue after using Application.LoadLevel?

Post by haocow »

But if I don't include a Dialogue Manager in the second scene, how can I call the conversations through the script?  I'm trying to use DialogueManager.StartConversation("convoName");
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Tony Li
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Issue after using Application.LoadLevel?

Post by Tony Li »

As long as the Dialogue Manager from your first scene has Don't Destroy On Load ticked, it will be there to handle DialogueManager.StartConversation().

I got your email, and I'll reply directly to it.
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