Wiki Search Suggestion

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Wiki Search Suggestion

Post by thecodehermit »

Hi Tony

The wiki search has been sort of annoying me for a while. What I mean is every time you search for something you are always presented with list of thousands of classes and other script related stuff.

Lets say for example I want to find the page explaining how to use emphasis inside a conversation. I don't want to get endless lists of classes, but to get url to the left side of the wiki where the explanation of how to use emphasis is.
I know it exists since I have seen it before, but now it will take me 5+ mins to manually sort through all the drop-downs till I hopefully find the correct place.

It is sort of the same with allot of practical functions. For example how to change the display name of an actor dynamically. It is very difficult sorting through all those endless classes and finding what you want.
I eventually found a similar answer you provided on this forum and changed the code slightly to make it work.
The search on this forum is decent and I mostly find the things I want here, but it is sort of a hit and miss if someone already asked the right question.

Essentially I would suggest that it would be nice to at least have 2 search options for the wiki. One for classes/scripts and another for the left side of the wiki where all the explanations and tutorials are.

I don't want to sound ungrateful, since you have been providing the best support for your asset I have ever seen in my life. You always respond fast and efficient. Without your help it would have been extremely difficult dealing with the dialogue system. Though I kinda feel bad for constantly asking stuff here that I probably should have been able to find in the wiki.
I feel like it would save everyone time and effort if at least those 2 sides of the wiki were separate.

OR I have missed something obvious and it will be quite awkward if there was an easier way to search already xD
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Tony Li
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Re: Wiki Search Suggestion

Post by Tony Li »


Thanks for the feedback. It drives me a little crazy, too. I'll see if I can add both options. I switched to the current search bar because it does a better job of finding certain things (API calls) at the cost of putting them in the list with regular manual text. If I can't add both bars, I'll revert back to the previous search bar, which returns more sane results for regular manual searching.
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Re: Wiki Search Suggestion

Post by thecodehermit »

Thanks, it would be interesting to see the new/old search. Right now i have a notepad in which I anxiously hoard like a dragon all the precious functions I was able to discover.

Actually .. I dont know if it is possible but it would be even better to divide it on 3 parts.

1- Wiki tutorials and explanations
2- Practical functions
3- The endless classes and other scripts

Though I am not sure how dividing the practical stuff from all the other fluff will be done
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Tony Li
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Re: Wiki Search Suggestion

Post by Tony Li »

I'll see what I can do, although I may push off some of that to version 3. We use Doxygen to generate a single manual that combines the API reference and regular manual text. The advantage is that you can easily search across both. But the disadvantage is exactly what you've described. In version 3, I'm planning to switch to a separate online manual system for the regular manual text and continue using Doxygen (or similar) for the API reference.
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