Playing sequence from a script

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Playing sequence from a script

Post by thecodehermit »

I have a C# function. It is registered with lua and I play that script inside a conversation node. I want to play a continue sequence through that script.
Here is my C# code

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the problem is the code doesn't do anything. I also tried alert sequence just to test. But it also didn't show anything.

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What am I doing wrong here ?
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Tony Li
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Re: Playing sequence from a script

Post by Tony Li »


In the first case, you can continue more directly:

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In the second one, use quotes:

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Or, more directly:

Code: Select all

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Re: Playing sequence from a script

Post by thecodehermit »

Ok for some reason now it fires the version with and without quotes without a problem.... Not sure what I did, but at least it works O_o

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Though this one is giving an error

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"DialogueSystemController does not contain a definition of 'OnContinue' and no accessible extension method....... "

I guess it needs a reference, or maybe you added that function in a new version ?

Also do you know why wouldnt this do anything ?

Code: Select all

As far as I know this should run the continue sequence. I just want to know what the problem is so I wont have issues calling other sequences.
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Tony Li
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Re: Playing sequence from a script

Post by Tony Li »

Geez, sorry, I totally answered wrong on everything this morning.

1. You were playing a sequence, not running a Lua script, so you do not need quotes. This line of yours is totally valid:

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2. "DialogueManager.instance.OnContinue();" should have been:

Code: Select all

3. DialogueManager.instance.PlaySequence("Continue();"); should work if only one conversation is currently active. Otherwise you can use Continue(all) to continue all active conversations. If this still isn't working, are there any errors or warnings in the Console window?
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Re: Playing sequence from a script

Post by thecodehermit »

Don't worry about it. My brain sometimes goes on strike too when I overwork it xD

I didn't even knew it was possible to run multiple conversations at the same time.
I run a single conversation. The continue works as expected when I manually put Continue() in the sequence field in the conversation node.
Though, none of the following work through the lua registered C# function.

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I put a few debug logs and they show up, so the problem isnt in the function itself.
I also ran the alerts and few other sequences and they also work as expected while being called from inside the c# function.

When I start unity I have few warnings from other plugins, but none are related to Pixelcrushers. And no warnings or errors appear when I run the conversation or the c# function.

I just don't get it why the Continue sequence just wont fire when everything else does...
The only other thing I can think of is to make a new project, get the same version of the dialogue system (if that is even possible) and test the same conversation and see if the function runs there. Though setting and testing that will take hours. And even if it works there I still wouldn't know what the actual problem is. So I was hoping you could have an idea why just the Continue isn't working.
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Re: Playing sequence from a script

Post by thecodehermit »

Ok I think I found where the problem is. Maybe...
I dont know if you remember but last year you wrote a custom sequence for me:

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using UnityEngine;

namespace PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SequencerCommands
    public class SequencerCommandAudioWaitOrContinue : SequencerCommandAudioWait
        protected override void TryAudioClip(string audioClipName)
            int actor_ID = DialogueManager.CurrentConversationState.subtitle.dialogueEntry.ActorID;
            Actor actor = DialogueManager.masterDatabase.GetActor(actor_ID);
            if (!actor.IsPlayer) {
                if (!(playedAudio || string.IsNullOrEmpty(DialogueManager.currentConversationState.subtitle.formattedText.text))) {
                    var previousContinueMode = DialogueManager.displaySettings.subtitleSettings.continueButton;
                    DialogueManager.displaySettings.subtitleSettings.continueButton = DisplaySettings.SubtitleSettings.ContinueButtonMode.Always;
                    DialogueManager.displaySettings.subtitleSettings.continueButton = previousContinueMode;
            } else {

so this thing runs at every conversation node like this:

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I guess this is what is messing with the continue button ? I cant really test it because when I remove that code the conversation automatically moves forward after some time. So I cant tell if my continue script is working or its the default behavior...

As to the purpose of the sequence above. As far as remember it enables a manual continue button. And also it doesn't automatically continue when the conversation audio finishes. Or something on those lines...
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Tony Li
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Re: Playing sequence from a script

Post by Tony Li »


The OnContinue() method should still continue even if other sequencer commands are running. Here's a test scene that you can compare to your setup:

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Re: Playing sequence from a script

Post by thecodehermit »

I used your code and the following works, somehow ...

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    void ContinueNow() {
    void Test_Script_Func() {
         Invoke(nameof(ContinueNow), 0.1f);
The delay makes the continue work. Though I have no idea why -_-
I just set the delay to 0.1 sec and I am good to go I guess xD
Thanks for the help and sorry for the bother.
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Tony Li
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Re: Playing sequence from a script

Post by Tony Li »

The Script runs just before showing the subtitle, so it runs before the continue button is set up. If you want to call Continue() from a Script, you'll need to wait for the end of the next frame (or 0.1 seconds is fine if that works for you).
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