Disable usable selection UI

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Disable usable selection UI

Post by thecodehermit »


I have a usable component attached to one NPC. I also have a Selector component attached to my hero.
When I hover over the NPC I get 2 UI messages on the top middle of the screen. One is coming from the hero selector and the other is from the NPC usable.
I managed to get rid of the one coming from the Selector by disabling "Use default GUI" in the Selector component/script.
But how do I hide the message for the Usable component from the NPC ?

I only want to hide the messages. I am going to use the events from those components to create my own notifications.
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Tony Li
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Re: Disable usable selection UI

Post by Tony Li »


If your NPC has a Standard Usable UI as a child GameObject, remove it.
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Re: Disable usable selection UI

Post by thecodehermit »

It doesn't have that. It only has a Usable component.
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Tony Li
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Re: Disable usable selection UI

Post by Tony Li »


Then I don't know where that second UI is coming from. Please try making a small test scene. When you get your test scene working the way you want (i.e., only showing your custom UI), you can apply the same setup to your original scene.
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Re: Disable usable selection UI

Post by thecodehermit »

ohh... I feel like an idiot sometimes...
I had two heroes, and they both have the selector component... I disabled the "Use default GUI" in the second hero and the messages are gone. That explains why I had 2 messages as well. They were coming from each hero and not the NPC.
Anyway everything is fixed now
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Tony Li
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Re: Disable usable selection UI

Post by Tony Li »

Great! Thanks for the update.
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