Minor issues with UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI and UnityUIBarkUI

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Minor issues with UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI and UnityUIBarkUI

Post by wrongtarget »

Hey Tony,

I seem to be having a couple of issues that I'm not sure if they are related to the animator or not.

1) I have some "Look at" barks in some hotspots in my game. Clicking on them triggers the character's bark, the bark fading in and out correctly. If I click several times though, or click on one hotspot and immediately on other,  the bark fade out breaks, and from that moment whichever bark is triggered will permanently remain visible in the scene.

2) As you know, I'm using UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI to display my subtitles as barks.  Subtitles as barks though seem even more prone to never fading out. I set up a "Look at" hotspot as a conversation instead of a bark because it had two nodes, as in the player will first say "X" followed by "Y". The subtitle did not fade out (I had another issue with this by the way, the background of my response menu will display even if there are no response options. Any way around this?).

This also manifested with conversations with NPCs, when the conversation ends, the last subtitle remains on the screen.

What should I be looking into?

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Tony Li
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Minor issues with UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI and UnityUIBarkUI

Post by Tony Li »


I can reproduce this issue. I'll try to issue a fix today.

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Tony Li
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Minor issues with UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI and UnityUIBarkUI

Post by Tony Li »

Please let me know if this updated package fixes the issue for you: UnityUI_Support_2015-02-09. If the animator is in the process of transitioning to the Show state and the Show trigger parameter is set true again, the animator doesn't reset back to false. The bark UI now does this manually to make sure it's correctly reset.
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Minor issues with UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI and UnityUIBarkUI

Post by wrongtarget »

It seems to have fixed something, but not entirely.

From what I see in the animator, it can't get out from the "hidden" state. If I delete the hidden state, and the manually trigger the "show" state from the animator window, it will then work from now on. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to be able to trigger to "Show" by itself (even if hidden is deleted).

What exactly is the hidden state for? Is it suppose to transition there after Hide occurs?
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Tony Li
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Minor issues with UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI and UnityUIBarkUI

Post by Tony Li »

The "Hidden" state is just a null state that the animator starts in. You can create a default transition from Hide to Hidden if you like. I just right now did this in the example scene (but not in the version that I sent you earlier today). It doesn't change the way the animator works, but it's less confusing.

On your UnityUIBarkUI, are the Animation Transitions still "Show" and "Hide"? These need to match the trigger parameter names in your animator controller.

Can you send an example scene to tony (at) pixelcrushers.com? I don't know how to reproduce the issue.
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Minor issues with UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI and UnityUIBarkUI

Post by wrongtarget »

Tried merging those files again.  Transitions in the animator were working but the canvas renderer was not enabling even when the transition was in show. Problem seemed to be this:

<span class="lang:default decode:true crayon-inline"> public void Bark(Subtitle subtitle) { if (ShouldShowText(subtitle)) { SetUIElementsActive(false);</span>

Changing that to true seemed to fix it and now the only Issue I have is the responses background rendering when there are no options. I'll figure it out :)

Thanks so much for the updated package
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Tony Li
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Minor issues with UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI and UnityUIBarkUI

Post by Tony Li »

You should see SetUIElementsActive(true) further down in the Bark() method. It deactivates and reactivates the UI elements so trigger any effects that work in OnEnable, such as the typewriter effect. If any issues come up, please feel free to send me an example scene.

For the responses background, make sure it's assigned to the Response Panel or a child. When there are no options, the dialogue UI will deactivate the Response Panel.

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