Quest current node position for quest tracking on minimap

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Quest current node position for quest tracking on minimap

Post by w4der »

I'm searching something that might help me to store position in 3D world for Minimap in my OpenWorld game.

I'm using world streamer 2 to have open world - so not every game object in the scene will be available because of streaming. So I would like to store data like quest position in the quest node. So I will be able to instantiate the properly quest marker in the UI when player starts tracking the quest.

Is there anything that migh help?
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Tony Li
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Re: Quest current node position for quest tracking on minimap

Post by Tony Li »


You could use quest indicators. Normally you'll add a QuestIndicatorManager component to a GameObject, such as a Quest Giver or the target of a quest, and it will typically show an indicator above the GameObject. In your quests, you can use the Set Indicator quest action to specify that a particular GameObject should show a specific indicator. This quest action identifies the GameObject by ID, so the GameObject doesn't need to be in the currently-loaded scene(s). You can set a GameObject's ID on its Quest Giver component, Quest Entity component, or, if it doesn't have either of those, add a Quest Machine ID component to assign an ID.

How you show the indicator on a minimap depends on how you're rendering the minimap. For example, say your minimap uses a camera that points down on the current scene and renders GameObjects on specific layers (e.g., a Minimap layer). Your indicators could have children on the Minimap layer that the minimap scene will render.
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