Any Way to Change Editor Font Size?

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Any Way to Change Editor Font Size?

Post by Unrighteous »


I just discovered the ability to create groups in the conversation editor by boxing and holding control. I can't believe I hadn't discovered this sooner, absolutely amazing software; just when I think I need a feature, there it is.

I was just wondering if there was a way to change the font size in the editor (ideally just the group name font). I've created groups for nearly every node of dialogue, and it would be nice to read the group names while heavily zoomed out to get a clear picture of the conversation's flow and find nodes easily.

Is this possible?

Thank you.
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Tony Li
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Re: Any Way to Change Editor Font Size?

Post by Tony Li »

That's a great idea. It's not possible yet, but I'll try to get it into an upcoming version.
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Re: Any Way to Change Editor Font Size?

Post by Unrighteous »

That would be amazing!

Thank you!

No rush, but I'll be looking forward to it.
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Re: Any Way to Change Editor Font Size?

Post by Unrighteous »

Just updated to the latest version, and I see you've already implemented my request.

It's a small change, but I can already see how much of a crazy difference this is going to make for me. I currently have hundreds of nodes in each conversation, and dozens of groups for those nodes; being able to easily tell where everything is at a glance is such a huge improvement.

Before, I could only have 4-5 groups on screen at once and still be able to read their names; now, that number is 20 plus.

Thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: Any Way to Change Editor Font Size?

Post by Tony Li »

Thanks for the good suggestion!

BTW, in case you're not already using cross-conversation links, you can use them to split up your conversation tree branches into different conversations for organization.
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Re: Any Way to Change Editor Font Size?

Post by Unrighteous »

I actually did not know about those, I'll definitely give that a try : )
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