Quest in Dialogue System, Bug in IOS build

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Quest in Dialogue System, Bug in IOS build

Post by ChaChaCHAT »

Hi, So i am using the standard quest tracker and i have put a TextMeshGUI so when a quest entry is done, it turn green in the quest tracker. It is working well on Android, no problem there, but on IOS it doesnt turn green any idea why?
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Tony Li
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Re: Quest in Dialogue System, Bug in IOS build

Post by Tony Li »


There should be no difference. However, if you added support for a platform (e.g., iOS) after ticking the Welcome Window's TMP_PRESENT checkbox, you may need to tick it again. When you tick the checkbox, Unity can only set the TMP_PRESENT Scripting Define Symbol for platforms that are already installed. If it turns out that you had to tick the TMP_PRESENT checkbox again, double-check the assignments in your quest tracker to make sure it still points to your TextMeshProUGUI components.
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