I was filling my text table and when changing scenes I started to get this error:
Unity failed to read float at line 9245 of 'Assets/Scenes/Chapter 2 - Home/Home-MasterBedRoom.unity' due to type mismatch. This problem occurs when a member field in the script has changed and Unity is attempting to load data with the old format, or when the data is corrupt.
After that, my Text Table isnt recognized by the Text Table editor anymore. The icon of the TextTable is no longer doubleclickable. It tries to open it as a Windows file.
I lost my entire list of items. Any workaround other than starting all over again? Thanks a lot.
Actually, now, when I create a new Text Table, I can edit it but once I close it, I can't edit it again and it looses the Icon. It's a white icon after editing.
I tried updating to latest Dialogue system but problem still remains.