Managing DS in Timeline

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Managing DS in Timeline

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Hi there,

We're nearing the end of production and have begun making the Credit Sequence ahead of time, which is set to be a cutscene set to a timeline. In between the Credits in the timeline, players are greeted to the epilogue of major characters via separate automated conversations that continues independently for that character in their segment. We are using the tracks in timeline to start and continue the conversation timing.

We currently running into 2 major issues. First, for this scene only we need to stop the player from being able to continue. I can't remember off the top of my head where this setting is exactly, but we need to disable player input to make the credits an unskippable cut scene. At the moment, it gets wonky when they try to continue dialogue manually.

Second, when the character's start talking in the scene and then end their conversation, DS stays on screen during the credits when I want it gone until the next Conversation track is set. Even while on, it seems to stop the next conversation from properly triggering. Our Credit sequence goes as follows:

[Credits] -> [Character Appears] -> [Conversation 1] -> [Credits] -> [Character Appears] -> [Conversation 2] -> Etc

DS should disappear in the Credits Sections, but I can't figure out how to get rid of it.

How do we manage this properly?
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Tony Li
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Re: Managing DS in Timeline

Post by Tony Li »


To stop the player from being able to continue in a specific conversation, inspect that conversation in the Dialogue Editor. Select Menu > Conversation Properties. In the Inspector, tick Override Display Settings > Subtitle Settings, and set the Continue Button dropdown to Never.

Also, make sure the player can't generally press a key to cancel conversations. Inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Display Settings > Input Settings > Cancel Subtitle Input and Cancel Conversation Input. Set Key to None and Button to a blank string.

For the second issue, make sure the conversation is actually ending. It sounds like the conversation is stuck on the last node. Temporarily set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info. When the conversation ends, you should see this in the Console window:

Dialogue System: Conversation ending.

You can also keep the Dialogue Editor window open on the conversation. The current node will be colored green. If the last node is still green when it gets to the end, it means this node hasn't finished.
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Re: Managing DS in Timeline

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Thanks Tony.

I ended up figuring out the issue with the conversation sticking around and not ending. I just needed to add a final continue track after the last part of the conversation. My bad.

However, I still have an issue with the fix for the player input. I did what you said and the issue is now the text goes nonstop, rather than being timed to timeline. It goes to the end of one line of the conversation and then immediately goes to the next. It's not pausing until the Continue track command is called on timeline. What should I do here?
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Tony Li
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Re: Managing DS in Timeline

Post by Tony Li »

I misunderstood what you wanted to do. If I understand you correctly now, you still want the conversation's dialogue entries to wait until the Continue Conversation clip, but you don't want the player to be able to manually click a continue button during the timeline. To set this up:

1. UNtick the conversation's Override Display Settings, or set its Continue Button dropdown back to Always.

2. Duplicate your dialogue UI. Remove the continue button GameObject(s) from the duplicate. Add an Override Dialogue UI component to the GameObject that's being used as the credits conversation's Conversation Actor or Conversation Conversant, and assign the duplicate dialogue UI to it.
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