Multiple SMS interface

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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by metaevar »

Hi !

Now it's doing the opposite :/ if i'm outside the conversation and open it after the triggers, it only show the first message, but if i'm in the conversation, it work just fine (the message are send when the player collide with the trigger)It look like it dosn't read the continue() when the conversation is not oppened ?

I don't think it's issue #1 cause the scene is just player and 3 triggers (and sms ui)
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Tony Li
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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by Tony Li »


Can you send a reproduction project with reproduction steps to tony (at)
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Tony Li
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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by Tony Li »

Thanks for sending the reproduction project. I replied to your email. I believe the only change that was really necessary was to tick the SMS Dialogue UI's "Use Conversation Variable" checkbox.
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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by metaevar »

Hi ! thnak you, i've install the package you send me with you're modified scene, but even with this scene it's still doing the same thing :/ if i'm outside a conversation and i open it after the triggers, only the first message is send :/
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Tony Li
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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by Tony Li »

Isn't that what you asked for it to do?

In the example scene I sent you, if you start the conversation first, it looks like this:
lony1a.png (9.61 KiB) Viewed 1602 times
Then it waits for the player GameObject passes through the trigger. When it passes through the trigger, it shows an alert message (in green) and continues the conversation:
lony1b.png (21.46 KiB) Viewed 1602 times

Howver, if you wait for the player to pass through the trigger before starting the conversation, it shows an alert:
lony2a.png (14.04 KiB) Viewed 1602 times
and when you start the conversation it goes automatically to this:
lony2b.png (15.74 KiB) Viewed 1602 times
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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by metaevar »

Well i would like it to work like this :

Each trigger send a message (so i can controll exactly when and where the player receive it) But the player may not be inside the conversation all the time, so if he collide with the trigger "Mom message 3" for exemple, But he is in another conversation (or in the selection menu), i'd like the message to still be send so he can read it later. Right now If the player is not inside the "mom" conversatin when he collide with a trigger, the message is not send and he cannot read it later :/
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Tony Li
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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by Tony Li »

The third image image (lony2a.png) shows that the player entered MomTrigger01 while the player was not in the conversation. This causes MomTrigger01 to set a variable that the conversation can check when it does start. This way it doesn't need to listen for the message, since the variable has recorded that the player already entered the trigger.
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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by metaevar »

Hi !

Well yes that work like this, but it work only with the first message :/ if the player is outside the conversation when triggerring the "MomTrigger02 " or "MomTrigger03" the messages are not send.
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Tony Li
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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by Tony Li »

Just do the same thing with triggers 02 and 03 using two additional variables.
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Re: Multiple SMS interface

Post by metaevar »

Hi ! really sorry for the time i take to respond >< the triggers work great thank you ! but when i'm stting up all my conversation like that I've comme across another issue :/

When i open the conversation "Mom" for example everything wrk fine, i can go back then open it again and all. But if i want to open another conversation "Boss" or any other, it show me the "Mom" conversation. and it does that with the first conversation i open. (if i open Boss first, all other conversation will show me the "boss" conversation) and i have no idea why, mayby something with the OnApplyPersistentData() ?
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