To avoid having to maintain customizations to SaveSystem.cs, I recommend unticking "Save Current Scene".
Write a saver script that records the current additively-loaded scene(s) and also marks the persistent scene as the current scene to load when loading saved games. Assuming the persistent scene is named "Persistent", there's a rough example: (may have typos)
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public class SceneSaver : Saver
public class Data
public List<string> addedScenes;
public override string RecordData()
// Update the current saved game data so the "Persistent" scene is the main scene to load:
SaveSystem.currentSavedGameData.sceneName = "Persistent";
// Then save the list of additively-loaded scenes:
var data = new Data() { addedScenes = new List<string>(SaveSystem.addedScenes); }
return SaveSystem.Serialize(data);
public override void ApplyData(string s)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return;
var data = SaveSystem.Deserialize<Data>(s);
if (data == null) return;
foreach (string sceneName in data.addedScenes)
To load a saved game, just load it normally using the SaveSystem (e.g., SaveSystem.LoadFromSlot(#)).
To change scenes, load the next scene additively and unload the outgoing scene. You can use SaveSystem.sceneLoaded to know when to unload the outgoing scene:
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SaveSystem.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
void OnSceneLoaded()
SaveSystem.sceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded;