Using Sequences in C# Scripts

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Using Sequences in C# Scripts

Post by annathehank »

Hello again! Today I'm trying to wrap my head around how to use the sequencer commands in a script. I'm creating a sort of loot box system, and am trying to implement the MoveTo() sequence to help.
In the script I'm using, I have an array for the different objects you can find in the boxes, and I want to use the command to move the image of the object to an empty game object on the canvas. I'm a little worried doing a simple transform on the object to a location may get messed up as the camera moves around in the game.

This is the script so far. I'd like to add a line in the Onbuttonpress void that moves the moniObject being called forward to an empty gameobject.

Code: Select all

 public Moni[] monis;

    public class Moni
        public string moniName;
        public GameObject moniObject;
        public int rating;

    public void Onbuttonpress()
            int moniIndex = Random.Range(0, monis.Length);
            Debug.Log("you have invited " + monis[moniIndex].moniName);
            Debug.Log("They are a " + monis[moniIndex].moniObject);
Thank you in advance! <3
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Tony Li
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Re: Using Sequences in C# Scripts

Post by Tony Li »


To play a sequence in C# code, use DialogueManager.PlaySequence():

Code: Select all

DialogueManager.PlaySequence("MoveTo(Empty Box, MoniABC, 2)");
Another option, outside of the Dialogue System, is to use a tweening library such as DOTween. It's a useful tool for changing things from one value to another, such as moving an object from one position to another.
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Re: Using Sequences in C# Scripts

Post by annathehank »

Wow, it really was that simple, huh? :lol: I think I got myself thinking it was more complicated by looking at the reference guide and everything. Thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: Using Sequences in C# Scripts

Post by Tony Li »

Happy to help!
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