Dialogue System 2.2.25 Released

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Tony Li
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Dialogue System 2.2.25 Released

Post by Tony Li »

Version 2.2.25 should be available on the Asset Store shortly.

Release Notes:


- Improved: Added Reposition Window button to dialogue database inspector.
- Improved: Added C# hooks to add custom drawing methods to Dialgoue Editor inspector views.
- Improved: Added DialogueManager.StopAllConversations().
- Improved: Localization Export/Import now has improvments to Use Field option.
- Improved: Added Wait For End Of Frame checkbox to Dialogue System Events > OnConversationEnd() event.
- Improved: Conversation Control component now has StopSkipAll() & checkboxes to control when SkipAll() is turned off.
- Improved: TextMeshProTypewriterEffect now calls virtual method PauseForDuration on pause codes.
- Improved: Better handling of SequencerShortcuts registered subjects.
- Fixed: On subsequent menus, response menu auto focus selects first button instead of most recently-selected button.
- Fixed: Dialogue database Actor/Quest/Item/Location field names with '.' are now translated to '_' in Lua.
- Fixed: Save data sanitizes '\ '.
- Fixed: Visual field overlap in Timeline ContinueConversationClip.

[Third Party Support]

- Adventure Creator:
- RememberDialogueSystem now has Stop Conversations When Loading checkbox
- 'Actor is player?' to Conversation action to use current player without needing a design-time reference
- Dialogue entry picker gracefully handles internal ID conflicts in conversations.
- Celtx: Improved importing of [COND] and [SCRIPT] objects; fixed importing of some types of decision nodes.
- Corgi: MMSaveLoadManager event listener now uses SaveSystem if present.
- i2 Localization: Now supports multiple text tables, term options for text tables.
- Ink: Fixed issue when resuming a stopped conversation at a point where there are only player choices.
- Invector: Updated bridge to pause player using new Invector methods; improved character disabling using SetLockInput.
- Inventory Engine: MMSaveLoadManager event listener now uses SaveSystem if present.
- RT-Voice: RTVoiceActor now allows unspecified gender and incomplete matches of voice name.
- Twine: Fixed import of inline conditional text.
Posts: 61
Joined: Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:14 pm

Re: Dialogue System 2.2.25 Released

Post by LostTrainDude »

Hi Tony!

Just letting you know that on Unity v2019.4.35f1, and testing with both v1.2.0 and v1.3.0 of the Input System package, the following error is produced upon updating:
Assets\Plugins\Pixel Crushers\Common\Scripts\UI\UIUtility.cs(25,29): error CS1061: 'InputSystemUIInputModule' does not contain a definition for 'forceModuleActive' and no accessible extension method 'forceModuleActive' accepting a first argument of type 'InputSystemUIInputModule' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
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Tony Li
Posts: 21055
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Re: Dialogue System 2.2.25 Released

Post by Tony Li »


Version fixes this issue. It's live on the Asset Store now.
Posts: 61
Joined: Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:14 pm

Re: Dialogue System 2.2.25 Released

Post by LostTrainDude »

Hi Tony,
seems to be working now :)

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