Cutscene question?

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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by hrohibil »

Jesus Toni.

What part of the world are from? It’s Saturday.. Enjoy your weekend. Don’t mind my endless questions...

You are truely unique.. I can’t say that enough to you...


Next is to start the whole cutscene... Questions comes later..

I am beginning to understand the basics of the conversation setup.
Do I understand this correct that I can go by with one database? Then I can create multiple conversations in there and also add many actors/npc?

Cause after the cut scene my player jumps down and executes the first objective giving by the first NPC then a 2nd NPC will start a conversation with me.

Man soooo many cool features here.
I was actually thinking about exploring the quest feature as well. I mean like when I kill / execute my first objective then in the quest log it should be checked of or similar...

Anyways... You have an awesome weekend my friend... Thabk you 🙏
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Tony Li
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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by Tony Li »


Yes, use one database. I recommend using forward slashes ( / ) in conversation titles to organize them into submenus. Otherwise you can end up with a very long list to select from.

To get an idea of how the quest system works, play DemoScene2 and pick up the "Kill 5 Enemies" quest. This forum post explains how it's set up.

Have fun with your quests, conversations, and cutscenes!
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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by hrohibil »


My first cutscene worked really good. Thank you so much..

How do i add sounds?
So when the conversation starts i want one specific audio clip to play, and one during the cutscene (Camera movement) and one when the conversation ends..
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Tony Li
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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by Tony Li »

The easiest way is to put your audio clips in a folder named 'Resources'. Then drag them into a dialogue entry node's Sequence field. This will add an AudioWait() sequencer command.

Later, if you don't want to put the audio clips in a Resources folder, you can import Unity's Addressables package using the Package Manager window. In the Dialogue System's Welcome Window, tick USE_ADDRESSABLES. Then tick the audio clip's Addressable checkbox, and change the addressable key value to the same as the name of the audio clip in the Project view.
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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by hrohibil »

Will test it for sure..

I just noticed why am i missing the top dialouge text?
This happend after i setup cutscenes

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Tony Li
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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by Tony Li »

Are the UI elements active? Maybe they're positioned above the top of the screen.

As a test, try assigning the Basic Standard Dialogue UI prefab to your Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field. Then play.

If you can see the top dialogue text, the issue is probably in your dialogue UI.

If you can't see the top dialogue text, then maybe the conversation isn't showing that line of dialogue. Open the Dialogue Editor window to your conversation. Then play and start the conversation. Does the dialogue node turn green?
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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by hrohibil »

Nope.. same

So i tested from when i play game from the leve1 it works. But when i load game from main menu, then only bottom is shown??
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Tony Li
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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by Tony Li »

When you play from the Start scene, the Dialogue Manager in the Start scene will survive scene changes and replace the one in the gameplay scene. Make sure the dialogue UI assigned to the Start scene's Dialogue Manager is configured correctly.
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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by hrohibil »

The dialogue UI has the correct UI prefab (sci fi) assigned.
What else should I be looking for?
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Tony Li
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Re: Cutscene question?

Post by Tony Li »

Check the settings on the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings > Subtitle Settings. Maybe the "Show NPC Subtitles During Line" checkbox got unticked accidentally.

If that doesn't help, then pause the game when the conversation plays and the NPC line should be visible. Examine the entire canvas in the Scene view. Is the NPC Subtitle Panel active? Maybe it's just positioned off screen.
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