Hello, I'm trying to listen for Dialogue System Events using the DialogueSystemEvents component but it's not triggering any of the events. I'm starting conversations in code with DialogueSystem.StartConversation(key);
Is there anything I need to do in order to trigger the events properly when starting conversations this way?
Re: DialogueSystemEvents
Dialogue System Events are only invoked on the Dialogue Manager GameObject and its children, and the two primary participants and their children.
To verify which GameObjects are being used as the primary participants, set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info. When the conversation starts, look for a line in the Console like:
Dialogue System: Starting conversation 'title' with actor=XXX and conversant=YYY
The participants are XXX and YYY. If it's not using the correct participants, see Character GameObject Assignments
Dialogue System Events are only invoked on the Dialogue Manager GameObject and its children, and the two primary participants and their children.
To verify which GameObjects are being used as the primary participants, set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info. When the conversation starts, look for a line in the Console like:
Dialogue System: Starting conversation 'title' with actor=XXX and conversant=YYY
The participants are XXX and YYY. If it's not using the correct participants, see Character GameObject Assignments