Without doing below three methods,
1. SetPanel("Narrator", 4) in the dialogue node everytime
2. [panel=4] in front of dialogue line for every node
3. Putting a line of code in OnConversationStart's callback, PlaySequence("SetPanel("Narrator", 4)") everytime I start conversation,
Is there a way to just set a specific panel for an actor permanently so I don't have to keep setting it in the game?
Thank you,
Can I set a specific panel for an actor permenently?
Re: Can I set a specific panel for an actor permenently?
Yes, add a Dialogue Actor to the Narrator's GameObject, and set its Dialogue UI Settings > Subtitle Panel Number. If the Narrator doesn't have a GameObject, create an empty GameObject for it as a child of the Dialogue Manager.
Yes, add a Dialogue Actor to the Narrator's GameObject, and set its Dialogue UI Settings > Subtitle Panel Number. If the Narrator doesn't have a GameObject, create an empty GameObject for it as a child of the Dialogue Manager.
Re: Can I set a specific panel for an actor permenently?
Basically, what I am expecting to do here is: setting ThoughtBubble actor which does not have any gameObject to panel 2 for the game's every conversation that uses this specific DialogueManager Prefab.
Re: Can I set a specific panel for an actor permenently?
Yes. ThoughtBubble will use subtitle panel 2 for all conversations (except any nodes you override with [panel=#] tags).