I'm new to this, and still figuring stuff out. So forgive me if this is trivial.
I'm trying to get the dialogue to display a variable with a variable inside.
Basically, I have two variables.
Var1, called "SCORE", with the value "300"
Var2, called "ScoreMessageText", with the vaulie:
Code: Select all
[em3]This is your score:[var=SCORE] points.[/em3]
Code: Select all
Let me tell you your score: [em3]This is your score:[var=SCORE] points.[/em3]
But if, in a conversation, I put:Let me tell you your score: This is your score:300 points.
Code: Select all
Let me tell you your score: [var=ScoreMessageText]
So, is what I'm trying to do possible?Let me tell you your score: This is your score:[var=SCORE] points.