I have two questions.
1. Is there a an easy way enable a GameObject when a Dialogue ends on the trigger(DialogueSystemsTrigger) that triggered it?
2. When using Timeline(play,Crime01Timeline) on a line, and I continue to the next line the timeline stops playing, it there a way to set to just continue playing?
Thank you for a great tool!
DialogueSystemTrigger - End Dialogue enable & Timeline(play,Crime01Timeline) continue
Re: DialogueSystemTrigger - End Dialogue enable & Timeline(play,Crime01Timeline) continue
You can use a scene event or SetActive() sequencer command on the last node of the conversation -- or you can add another Dialogue System Trigger set to OnConversationEnd or a Dialogue System Events component and use the OnConversationEnd() event. For Dialogue System Trigger or Dialogue System Events, make sure the GameObject is being used as the conversation's actor or conversant.
You can use the nowait and nostop options:
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