Thanks for getting the Dialogue System!
Dialogue System Extras page has a patch that improves the VN Template Standard Dialogue UI to darken portrait images more nicely. (
direct download) I recommend importing the patch and checking out the VN prefab. The improvements in this patch are also in the upcoming version 2.2.16.
This sequence:
will play the animator state "Talking" on the GameObject associated with the speaker's GameObject.
I also recommend modifying the sequence to something like this:
Code: Select all
required AnimatorPlay(Idle)@{{end}}
The second line will wait for a duration based on the text length, and then it will change the animator to the "Idle" state. The required keyword guarantees that it runs this command even if the player clicks ahead early. More info:
Sequence Tutorials
If you want to play it the speaker's portrait image instead, take a look at the AnimatedPortraitExample scene also available on the Extras page. (
direct download)
If you want to play it on the speaker's GameObject, please read
Character GameObject Assignments. In general, according to the screenshot of your dialogue entry's inspector, it should look for the Animator on the "Zent" GameObject. But the conversation may use a different GameObject in various circumstances that are covered in that link.
A helpful way to figure out what's going on with sequencer commands is to temporarily set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info. This will log detailed information to the Console. Among the logs will be two lines for each sequencer command. The first line shows the result of the Dialogue System parsing the sequencer command and putting it in the queue to run. The second line appears when the command actually runs, and it shows the GameObjects, etc., that are being used for it.