about I2 Localization

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about I2 Localization

Post by losemarins »

hello. tony
DS To I2 Tool does not seem to work properly.
https://www.pixelcrushers.com/dialogue_ ... ation.html
I tested it by referring to this page, but it didn't work.
Actually, I may not have understood this explanation well.
please give me a tutorial that actually works.
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Tony Li
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Re: about I2 Localization

Post by Tony Li »


What didn't work?

Did you import the i2 Localization Support package? If so, were you able to open the DS To I2 window?
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Re: about I2 Localization

Post by losemarins »

yes. i opened Ds To I2 Window.
but I don't know the meaning of variables. There is no explanation at all.

What do the variables below play?
1. Text Table
2. Localized Text Table
3. Assets Use
4. Fields Use
5. Extra Entry Info
6. Entry Min Digits
7. Verbose

And I followed the process that came out by checking 'Show Help'.
But It's didn't work.
I wrote the data using Google Spreadsheet in L2 Localization.

1. The Terms tab of the L2 Languages Asset has a key and value named Game Start.
2. If i enter the Game Start Key from the Conversation tab in the Conversation database and then press 'From l2' button, nothing will work. Press the 'To I2' button and then press the 'From I2' button to achieve the same result.
The contents of the language tabs of ko, en, and ja are not populated.
I want the text content of the conversation to be key values and find them in I2 localization and get the values.
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Tony Li
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Re: about I2 Localization

Post by Tony Li »


Please follow these steps: How To Use i2 Localization With Dialogue System.

1. You must start in the DS To I2 window.

2. Assign your dialogue database to the DS To I2 window.

3. Expand the Dialogue Entries foldout. Make sure the Dialogue Text checkbox is ticked. Do NOT tick foldouts for translations (e.g., do NOT tick ko, en, or ja).

4. Click the "To I2" button. This will add new terms to i2. For example:
i2Setup.png (56.39 KiB) Viewed 889 times
These are specially-named terms for the Dialogue System.

5. In i2, translate the terms.

6. In the DS To I2 window, click "From I2". This will copy the translations from i2 into the dialogue database.


Here are the meanings of the dropdowns:
  • Assets Use: When creating terms in i2, use the asset's Name or ID number (e.g., "MyConv" or "2"). In the screenshot above, the dropdown is set to Name.
  • Fields Use: When creating localized fields in the Dialogue System database, use language code or language name (e.g., "ko" or "Korean"). Set it to Language Code so the dialogue database will use ko, en, and ja.
  • Extra Entry Info: Optional information to add to dialogue entry term in i2 (e.g,. add Actor name to term). In the screenshot above, the dropdown is set to Actor, so it included "NPC" in the term.
  • Entry Min Digits: When creating dialogue entry term in i2, pad entry ID to this size. In the screenshot above, Entry Min Digits is 3, so dialogue entry 1 uses "001" in the term.
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Re: about I2 Localization

Post by losemarins »

oh. i understand.
thank you for replay
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Tony Li
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Re: about I2 Localization

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help! :-)
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