Just have an issue regarding some additional functionality I have been trying to program:
I'm currently working on an NPC spawner that will spawn some people around points of interest and have them say some appropriate lines. To do so, I've updated the NPC template to remove the Locations field and replaced it with a text Location like so:
In the spawner, I set the location field like this:
Code: Select all
GameObject researcherObject = GameObject.Instantiate(researchers[spawner], transform.position, transform.rotation);
DialogueLua.SetActorField(researcherObject.name, "Location", locationType);
Debug.Log(DialogueLua.GetActorField(researcherObject.name, "Location"));
Code: Select all
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
ResearcherSpawner:Start () (at Assets/Scripts/NPCs/Dialogue/ResearcherSpawner.cs:46)