No Dialogue UI found on 'Basic Standard Bark UI

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No Dialogue UI found on 'Basic Standard Bark UI

Post by maxrostov »

Just bought the Dialogue System, and currently trying to learn how to use it.

I'm working on a 2d game, and I'm following this tutorial.

I got stuck at 03:40 during the first test.

I've been stuck with a problem for about 6h, where I can't make the text to appear after hitting the trigger.

Can anyone please let me know what I'm doing wrong...?

Here's a video of my setup in Unity:

Thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: No Dialogue UI found on 'Basic Standard Bark UI

Post by Tony Li »


The issue is probably the bark UI's sorting layer. I'll cover the other possibilities first. Then I'll describe how to check the sorting layer.

First, assign the Basic Standard Dialogue UI to the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field. This will resolve the warning 'Dialogue System: No Dialogue UI found on Basic Standard Bark UI.'

Inspect Frog Collider's Dialogue Actor component and set the Actor dropdown.

Temporarily set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info. When the player enters the Frog's trigger, check the Console window for a log similar to this:

Dialogue System: Bark (speaker=Frog (NPC) (UnityEngine.Transform), listener=null): 'Hello!'

That will let you know that the Dialogue System Trigger successfully triggered the bark.

If those two things look good, let's check the bark UI. Add an instance of the Bubble Template Standard Bark UI as a child of the Frog Collider GameObject. Assign this instance to the Dialogue Actor component's Bark UI Settings > Bark UI field. This will let you check and customize the UI in the scene.

The bark UI should be visible. If it's not, try adjusting the position. If that doesn't fix it, check its Canvas component's Sorting Layer and Order In Layer. Set the Sorting Layer to the highest layer in your project. If it's still not visible, increase the Order In Layer value. This isn't particular to the Dialogue System. It's a step that often needs to be done to make any UI or sprite visible if other elements are covering it due to Unity's sorting layers.
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Re: No Dialogue UI found on 'Basic Standard Bark UI

Post by maxrostov »

Hi, Thank you for the reply.

See photos of Console info after entering the frog trigger.
Does it look OK?

PS: Looks like the issue was with sorting layers.
The solution was to put the bark UI as a child to the Frog npc, and then change the sorting layer.

Thank you for you help! :D
Screenshot 2020-12-30 at 10.30.13.png
Screenshot 2020-12-30 at 10.30.13.png (14.99 KiB) Viewed 740 times
Screenshot 2020-12-30 at 10.29.57.png
Screenshot 2020-12-30 at 10.29.57.png (514.36 KiB) Viewed 740 times
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Tony Li
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Re: No Dialogue UI found on 'Basic Standard Bark UI

Post by Tony Li »


Glad to help! I can't see the rest of the log entries, but it looks good as far as I can see.
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