There was some funny business going on with the default animation and canvas groups, but the canvas groups on the subtitle panels are extraneous, so I just got rid of them instead of adjusting the animations.
Abby's conversation only involves Abby and the player.
Albert's conversation involves Albert, Abby, and the player. It just occurred to me that you said you want only one NPC visible at a time. I think in the example Albert goes visible first, then when Abby joins the conversation Albert stays visible. If that's not what you're going for, let me know.
yes, exaclty. I only want one NPC at the time I will download this and see how you did it!
But I guess, since you made it work with Abbys coversation I have two options here Looking in to it now!
So I checked it out and its the same result as I made myself...
I only want One-on-One conversations. In the example you provided (LOL tHe conversation though ^^) each NPC remain active if I go back and talk to them. eventually all NPC as active as I jump back and forth between each conversation.
Is there any way to turn all other Panels OFF while talking to one NPC?
What version of the Dialogue System are you using?
To confirm that the example scene works correctly in a fresh project, would you please create a new, empty project, import Dialogue System 2.2.14, and then import the example scene package? I just tested it, and NPCs disappear properly so that it's always one-on-one (unless a single conversation involves multiple NPCs such as Albert's).
What version of the Dialogue System are you using?
To confirm that the example scene works correctly in a fresh project, would you please create a new, empty project, import Dialogue System 2.2.14, and then import the example scene package? I just tested it, and NPCs disappear properly so that it's always one-on-one (unless a single conversation involves multiple NPCs such as Albert's).
You're right, it work perfect if I start a new Project. I will delete the package from my own project and import it again and hopefully it will solve it! THanks!
Glad to help! Some animation must have gotten modified in your original project. Tip: If you customize anything -- animations, prefabs, etc., save them as a copy, and use the copy. This way you won't accidentally overwrite your customizations when you update the Dialogue System later.