Hello I am using Character Movement Fundamentals by Jan Ott from the asset store for my movement controls.
I have my dialogue system set to start on the E Key and if I enter a conversation while moving my character he continues to move in whatever direction my character was facing however if I stop my character before talking he doesn't continue to move and stays put.
I have all the moving scripts disabled OnConversationStart() and yet he still moves.
Any ideas?
If I need to explain/clarify anything to help I'd be more than happy to do so!
I'm not familiar with that asset. You may need to do more to tell it to stop the character properly. For example, maybe the asset has a script method to stop the character. The Dialogue System provides the hooks you need on the Dialogue System side; you just need to connect it to whatever is required on the Character Movement Fundamentals side. If it requires some scripting, you can add a small script to the character that has an OnConversationStart() method (to stop the character) and an OnConversationEnd() method (to allow the character to move again). (See: Script Methods.) In many cases, you don't have to do any scripting. See the last part of the Interaction Tutorial for an example of using an extra Dialogue System Trigger to stop a character's walk animation.