Is it possible to change the continue button to two buttons, one of them yes and the other no?
and I am also trying to pass the result onto my code, whcih I am struggling to figure out how to do.
(I have tried var resp = DialogueLua.GetVariable("Response"); // with response setup as a variable.
conversationoptions.png (21.18 KiB) Viewed 400 times
Yes, it's possible to add more buttons to the dialogue UI. I recommend adding the Yes and No buttons to your subtitle panel(s). If you want them to immediately continue the conversation, connect their OnClick() events to the dialogue UI's StandardDialogueUI.OnContinueConversation method. If you want the first click to fast-forward the typewriter and the second to continue, add a StandardUIContinueButtonFastForward component to both buttons and configure them like the continue button in the Basic Standard Dialogue UI prefab.
You can also add other items to your Yes / No buttons' OnClick() events, too. Otherwise there wouldn't be any difference between them.
Tony Li wrote: ↑Thu Nov 26, 2020 10:08 pm
Yes, it's possible to add more buttons to the dialogue UI. I recommend adding the Yes and No buttons to your subtitle panel(s). If you want them to immediately continue the conversation, connect their OnClick() events to the dialogue UI's StandardDialogueUI.OnContinueConversation method. If you want the first click to fast-forward the typewriter and the second to continue, add a StandardUIContinueButtonFastForward component to both buttons and configure them like the continue button in the Basic Standard Dialogue UI prefab.
You can also add other items to your Yes / No buttons' OnClick() events, too. Otherwise there wouldn't be any difference between them.
Lost on this (which is what I really need), any chance you have a tutorial?
EDIT: I think half of the issue on my side is that I don't know where certain things originate from. e.g. I have been changing the "continue" text on several UI's in order to determine which one I should change.) I couldn't find any of my changed text when I ran my scene. I then found out that I should have changed the continue in "Example Bubble Standard UI Subtitle Panel", however I don't even know why this UI was initiated.
Would you please post a sketch or mock-up of what you want the UI to look like? I should be able to provide clearer, less-ambiguous info specific to your UI requirements.
You can just make those into response buttons. You don't have to do anything custom or unusual. Here's a version of the BubbleSubtitleExample package that's available on the Dialogue System Extras page:
I just added a new scene named "Bubble Subtitle Example Yes No Menu" that looks like this:
wantWaterYesNo.png (37.89 KiB) Viewed 379 times
(You can restyle it however you want.) The NPC has a Dialogue Actor component that points to a bubble subtitle panel. The bubble subtitle panel is a child of the NPC, and it has a menu panel inside it.
Thanks, that helps a lot. I am just struggling with sizes and positioning (panel sizes), I will read some more posts/documentation to see if I can sort it out myself.
Glad to help. Working with Unity UI layouts is always a bit of a headache at first. I recommend Unity's official Unity UI tutorials, especially the ones on Rect Transforms and Layouts.