I was looking around to see if I could find a "next conversation" shortcut. Is that something that exists?
I was looking through DialogueEditorWindowConversationNodeEditor and I think there is currently no shortcut. I think I can add one, but I'm not sure how to lookup the next conversation from the current conversation going by drop-down selector ordering.
It assumes there is a next conversation. You can check database.conversations.Count before calling OpenConversation.
I had better add this as a keyboard shortcut in the original source. Otherwise when you update the Dialogue System you'll lose your customizations.
I'm working on a revamp of the Dialogue Editor code to speed up responsiveness on very large databases and generally streamline the code after 8 years of incremental growth. I can include next/previous conversation keyboard shortcuts. Any key combo suggestions? Ctrl+Shift+PgUp and PgDn?