If you set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info and play the scene, you'll see that it does what it's told.
The "Test Started" node has this Sequence:
Code: Select all
Fade(stay, .75)@Message(Stop)->Message(Sleep);
2. It will immediately fade to black over 0.75 seconds.
3. At the 0.75-second mark, it will delay for 2 seconds. Then it will send the sequencer message "Wake".
As far as I can see, nothing is waiting for this sequencer message.
So then it proceeds to the next node, "Test Ended". Since continue mode is still Never, it just plays the Dialogue Manager's Default Sequence -- which is Delay({{end}}) -- and then immediately proceeds to the next stage of the conversation, which is to end the conversation.
First note: Since SetContinueMode(false) runs immediately, you don't need Message(Stop). Try this:
Code: Select all
Fade(stay, .75)->Message(Sleep);
Code: Select all
Fade(stay, .75)->Message(Sleep);
required SetContinueMode(true)@Message(Wake);
Code: Select all
Fade(in,0.75); {{default}}