UIS Save Intergration Issues

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UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by CruttMutt »

Hello Tony!

I have been working on my integrations between Quest Machine and UIS (Soon to add Dialogue System) and I am having an issue with the saver. In the QM/UIS Integration demo when I save, it still only seems to be saving the inventory data. The player position or quest information are not being reloaded on load. I was trying this in the project but found it happening in the demo too so I thought maybe there could be something I missed? I have also followed the instructions to integrate and have been having the same issue in my project. I tried both the pixel crushers to opsive and opsive to pixel crushers methods. I would like to use the save boxes from the opsive UIS ideally as I like the set up I have made in the UI. But I will settle for whatever will work best.

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Re: UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by CruttMutt »

Forget that! All good!

I was missing that paticular quest I was testing the the database on QM prefab haha. Silly error but good to remember!

I am still unable to get the opsive saver to work correctly and save the pixel crusher data but using the QM save system, the fundamentals all seem to be working.
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Tony Li
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Re: UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by Tony Li »

That's the recommended way to go. (QM save system saves UIS.)

I'll look into the other direction.
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Re: UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by CruttMutt »

Hello again! So the progress so far has been good but I have come across some new issues.

So far in the editor, everything works great (except for UCC Saver Character Position, which I don't intend to use end game anyway). So at least for working I can still save and keep progressing.

My issue now is in build. In my editor, everything works as should. But in build, the integration seems to not work so smoothly.

For example, when I start I have my correct loadout. But when I load I am missing items in some categories and gained currency. And it does not seem to save anything I change (eg. drop).
In my developer mode build it says "Unable to find ItemCollection", I noticed this in the editor too but it seems to still work fine there...

Here is the console report:
Error: Unable to find ItemCollection.
PixelCrushers.UCCSupport.UCCSaver:ApplyData(String) (at Assets/Scenes/Pixel Crushers/Common/Third Party Support/Opsive UCC Support/Scripts/UCCSaver.cs:267)
PixelCrushers.SaveSystem:ApplySavedGameData(SavedGameData) (at Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Common/Scripts/Save System/SaveSystem.cs:624)
PixelCrushers.<LoadSceneCoroutine>d__104:MoveNext() (at Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Common/Scripts/Save System/SaveSystem.cs:735)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

Also in build, while talking to the Quest Giver, it does not stop character control and bring up the cursor as it does in the editor. I can only select to "Accept/Cancel" via keyboard and the character continues to move around. I am getting no visible errors for this. FYI, This does not happen when I open the MenuUI to save, I have normal cursor control here. So far only when talking with quest givers. The quest data does save in build btw.

I have the latest Quest Machine, Dialogue System, Opsive UIS and TPC with the current intergrations online imported on Unity 2019.4.9f
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Tony Li
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Re: UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by Tony Li »


If you're not using the latest integration available on Opsive.com, please download and import it.

Also make sure that you're building the right scenes (happens to the best of us) and that the Scripting Define Symbols are correct for the platform you're building. Sometimes if you set Scripting Define Symbols while you're on one platform and then switch to a different platform, the Scripting Define Symbols will be different since they're on a per-platform basis.
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Re: UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by CruttMutt »

Thanks Tony!

I you were right about the scripting define symbol. Looks like it's all working in build now too! Anda good chance to learn about that.

I am still getting the same error for whatever reason in editor and build, but it works. So I'm not sure exactly what that would be affecting at this point. I will keep an eye on it. If anything rings any bells to you it's always nice to have an errorless play through but if it's harmless I can live with it :)

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Tony Li
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Re: UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by Tony Li »


Make sure to import the very latest integration from Opsive.com, and this contains UCCSaver updates that save items in collections other than the slot-based loadout.
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Re: UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by CruttMutt »

We're definitely getting there. Sorry for all the questions! It's very close to being done.

So currently everything is feeling good, except the UIS currency is not saving in the editor or build. I did not notice this before. So these are all saving fine though: QM Data, UIS Inventory/Storage, UCC Attributes. Also the cursor and QM control is working perfectly on build.

Current issues are: UIS Currency and UCC Saver Position not saving/loading. Same "Unable to find ItemCollection" error.

It is all definitely up to date, double-checked and I have the most recent integrations from the Opsive website (Third Person Character Controller both QM and DS) and the correct scene as well as the most recent TPC, QM and DS. Thank you for checking! It's close, and so for been pretty easy fixes so thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by Tony Li »

CruttMutt wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:27 pmCurrent issues are: UIS Currency [not saving/loading]
Does your CurrencyOwner (e.g., player) have a CurrencyOwnerSaver component?
CruttMutt wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:27 pm UCC Saver Position not saving/loading. Same "Unable to find ItemCollection" error.
The ItemCollection error is preventing it from continuing to the position-restoring code. I'll update UCCSaver so it continues to the position-restoring code even if it can't find the ItemCollection. But we should identify why it can't find the ItemCollection.
Does the GameObject that has the UCCSaver component also have an ItemSetManager? (It's required to save and restore inventory with UCC.)
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Re: UIS Save Intergration Issues

Post by CruttMutt »

Ah yes of course! I must have done some messing up trying to fix things and removed the component. Currency saver is definitely working fine. Cheers!

My player currently has the Inventory System Item Set Manager. I believe when I updated the UCC to use UIS it replaces the old item systems. When I re-added ItemSetManager with the UCC Item Database it comes up with all sorts of errors. I assumed because most of the compatible item data was replaced by UIS. Should I have both?
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