I have questions on using LookAnimator.
I have actors setup like below including the player as well.
Root GameObject has Dialogue Actor component.
- child gameobect with Animator and LookAnimator
-- child gameobject of Animator gameobject called "My Look Target" placed in front of its head location somewhere.
For example, I have 3 actors in the conversation setup like above: Player, A2, A3.
Dialogue Actor's "actor" name is specified as "Player", "A2" and "A3" and as well as in Dialogue database.
EX1: On "A2" speaking node, I have sequncer command
Code: Select all
LookAnimator(A3, [A2, Player])
EX2: On "A2" speaking node, I have sequncer command
Code: Select all
LookAnimator(EnemyTarzanHead, [A2, A3, Player])
Thank you!