How to access C# variables in Conditions

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Tony Li
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How to access C# variables in Conditions

Post by Tony Li »

This is a reply to DustVoltrage's YouTube post on the Dialogue System for Unity - Quests tutorial video:
Is there any way to access conditions with C#instead of lua ?? can I get the value of an array through it ?

I've got a skill tree (which is an array) : I need to check the int of the the first element (my array is in another gameobject).
How can I do that through the RegisterFunction ?
Here's an example: Let's say your skill tree is in a script named SkillTree.cs that's on a GameObject named PlayerSkills:

Code: Select all

public class SkillTree : MonoBehaviour {
    public int[] skills;
Add this script (SkillLuaFunctions.cs) to your Dialogue Manager:

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using UnityEngine;
using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;

public class SkullLuaFunctions : MonoBehaviour {

    void OnEnable() {
        Lua.RegisterFunction("GetSkillValue", this, typeof(SkillLuaFunctions).GetMethod("GetSkillValue"));

    void OnDisable() {

    public double GetSkillValue(string gameObjectName, double arrayIndex) {
        var go = GameObject.Find(gameObjectName);
        if (go != null) {
            var skillTree = go.GetComponent<SkillTree>();
            if (skillTree != null) {
                return skillTree.skills[(int) arrayIndex];
        Debug.LogError("Can't find SkillTree script on GameObject " + gameObjectName);
        return 0;
This essentially gives the Dialogue System direct access to a C# function.

If you want to check if a skill value is greater than 5 in a conversation, set the Conditions field to:

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GetSkillValue("PlayerSkills", 0) > 5
If you want to check the skill value in a trigger such as Quest Trigger, set Condition > Lua Conditions to the same as above.

If you need further help, please feel free to reply to this post or send an example project to tony (at)
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