1) When a player gets an item "Cheese burger", set a counter in any quests that has a counter called "Cheese burger" to the amount of the player inventory.
I'm doing this when item is added, and it's received by my "QuestItemMessage" script below.
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MessageSystem.SendMessage(this, "SetCount", item.name, count);
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public class QuestItemMessage : MonoBehaviour, IMessageHandler {
private void OnEnable() {
MessageSystem.AddListener(this, "QuestItem", string.Empty);
MessageSystem.AddListener(this, "SetCount", string.Empty);
private void OnDisable() {
public void OnMessage(MessageArgs messageArgs) {
switch (messageArgs.message) {
case "SetCount":
Debug.Log("SetCount: " + messageArgs.parameter + " " + messageArgs.values[0]);
case "QuestItem":
Debug.Log("QuestItem: " + messageArgs.parameter + " " + messageArgs.values[0]);
private void SetQuestCounter(string counterName, int value) {
foreach (var kvp in QuestMachine.GetAllQuestInstances()) {
var quests = kvp.Value;
if (quests == null) continue;
for (int i = 0; i < quests.Count; i++) {
var quest = quests[i];
if (quest == null) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < quest.counterList.Count; j++) {
if (quest.counterList[j].name.ToString() == counterName) {
quest.counterList[j].currentValue = value;
2) When this happens, set a quest node successful (Condition: Counter: Cheese burger >= 1) I guess would work, if I could just set the counter.
3) When the quest is completed, add 1000 credits, and I solved this with a custom QuestAction.
So basically it's just (1) i need help with However it might not be the optimal way to do it like this, if there are hundreds of quest. So maybe there's a better way to have a condition that checks if the player has a specific amount of an item?
Thank you in advance!
PS: A small "display bug" on CounterQuestCondition:117. In the debug log it says "QuestMachine" instead of "Quest Machine" that most other script to. Just a minor issue Also QuestSubasset:145 has this.
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if (Debug.isDebugBuild) Debug.LogWarning("QuestMachine: QuestCounterCondition.OnCounterChanged(" + StringField.GetStringValue(counter.name) + " = " + counter.currentValue + "): requiredCounterValue field is null. Please contact the developer.", quest);