DS-UCC Integration, Converse Ability

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DS-UCC Integration, Converse Ability

Post by pegassy »


I am trying to get the converse ability to work in a first/third person project using UCC. Integration is installed, and everything works fine if I am using the interact ability. If I am using converse ability instead, then the screen just freezes and nothing happens. I am not quite sure how the ability works since I do not see any character cast or raycast as an option. Does it have a hidden character cast as the interaction method? I did go through the guide several times but I am a bit lost.

Thank you.
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Tony Li
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Re: DS-UCC Integration, Converse Ability

Post by Tony Li »


It's an automatic ability that starts when the player receives an OnConversationStart event from the Dialogue System. However you're triggering the conversation, make sure the player GameObject is the actor or conversant.
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Re: DS-UCC Integration, Converse Ability

Post by pegassy »

So should I also have the interact ability to choose the means of how to start the conversation, and then the options in Converse ability takes place?

Thank you for the explanation.
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Tony Li
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Re: DS-UCC Integration, Converse Ability

Post by Tony Li »

That's the usual way to configure it.

But, technically, the Converse ability knows nothing about the Interact ability. The Interact ability simply triggers a Dialogue System Trigger, which starts a conversation.

The Converse ability itself doesn't start conversations. It just listens for an "OnConversationStart" event. If the conversation involves the player, then the player (and thus its Converse ability) will receive this event. When the Converse ability receives an OnConversationStart event, it puts the player in a state that disables movement and shows the cursor. When Converse receives an OnConversationEnd event, it re-enables movement and hides the cursor.

So you can start conversations in other ways, too, not just using Interact. As long as the player receives OnConversationStart and OnConversationEnd events, the Converse ability should handle the player's state appropriately.
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Re: DS-UCC Integration, Converse Ability

Post by pegassy »

That is truly great to know. I had given up on the converse ability months ago assuming that it was supposed to replace the interact ability. I was lost why there was no interaction method within it. I am glad to finally figure out how it works.

Thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: DS-UCC Integration, Converse Ability

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help! Sorry about the earlier confusion.
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