ORK integration

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Tony Li
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Re: ORK integration

Post by Tony Li »

You're welcome! I'm working on a new example scene that doesn't depend on ORK's tutorial resources. I'll try to have it in the next update. It should help make steps like this a little more apparent for other users who may be running into the same issue.
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Re: ORK integration

Post by dlevel »

Hello again :)

So my counters work fine regarding the gathering, found items etc. but now I'm trying to have counters for killing monsters. I use the same {#mobsName/10} and mobsName in counters etc. but the counter doesn't seem to be moving it stays 0/10 after killing the mob. am I missing something?
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Tony Li
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Re: ORK integration

Post by Tony Li »

How is your kill quest counter configured to increment? Typically you'll configure the counter to listen for a message such as "Killed" + "Goblin".

Then add an ORK event to the Goblin that uses the "Send To Message System" event step to send this message when the Goblin is killed.

If you prefer not to set up an ORK event, you can add a Disappear Event component and a Quest Control component to the Goblin. Configure the Disappear Event's OnDisappeared() event to call QuestControl.SendToMessageSystem, and set the string to "Killed:Goblin" (without quotes).
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Re: ORK integration

Post by dlevel »

Ok I made this node in the death event of the goblin, still doesn't work. Can you check the image and guide me ? btw your support times are real time :D
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Tony Li
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Re: ORK integration

Post by Tony Li »


Your event sends "Gobara" + "Killed", but your quest counter is listening for "Goblara" + "Killed".
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Re: ORK integration

Post by dlevel »

embarrassing... thanks :)
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Tony Li
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Re: ORK integration

Post by Tony Li »

No worries! I bet it was because I typed "Goblin" in my example. :) If you were using only Quest Machine, you could use string assets to avoid typos. These are small asset files in your project that represent strings such as "Gobara". But since you're also crossing between Quest Machine and ORK, you'll need to use regular strings at least in your ORK events.
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Re: ORK integration

Post by dlevel »

Just a heads up, ORK 2.23 is out, here is an error :

Assets\Pixel Crushers\Quest Machine\Third Party Support\ORK Framework Support\Scripts\Quest Actions\ORKGiveExpQuestAction.cs(60,29): error CS7036: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'source' of 'StatusValue.AddValue(int, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, StatusValueChangeSource)'
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Tony Li
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Re: ORK integration

Post by Tony Li »


You can download an updated ORK Support package on the Dialogue System Extras page.
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Re: ORK integration

Post by dlevel »

hmmm can't find it, also I need Quest Machine update not Dialogue system :D
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