Issue: Unable to link to a specific conversation node

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Issue: Unable to link to a specific conversation node

Post by pixelglitch »

Hey there Toni,
I've recently run into an issue that kind of sprang up out of nowhere.

I had a conversation that I was able to link to before that no longer shows any nodes in the link dropdown.
When I continue to click around on the dropdowns in the area, it locks up unity and I have to force quit it.

I'm running Dialogue System 2.1.0 on Unity 2018.3.0f2, not seeing any errors in console when the issue happens.
But let me know if there is a log or anything that I can post to assist.

Here are some videos that replicate the issue, if you click to the actual Imgur link you will see some comments on what's going on:

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Tony Li
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Re: Issue: Unable to link to a specific conversation node

Post by Tony Li »


Is there an issue only when link to that specific conversation?

Are there any errors or warnings in the Console window?

Would it be possible for you to send a copy of your dialogue database asset to tony (at)
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Re: Issue: Unable to link to a specific conversation node

Post by pixelglitch »

Yep it's only occurring with this one conversation.
I tried renaming it into its own folder as well as copying all the nodes to a new conversation and it still didn't work.
But no errors/warning are showing in the console which I found strange.

I'll be sure to send a copy of that here in a bit.

Thanks again.
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