Another day, another try :) The script execution order didn't change anything. But I found the problem. I'm not enterly sure why. Maybe you've got an insight. It happens in the UnityUITypewriterEffect calss. public IEnumerator Play() { if ((control != null) && (charactersPerSecond > 0)) { //...
I tried your Patch, but it doesn't work for my problem. Only adds a new problem. The full text gets displayed for a frame or two and it looks like a flash and then the typewriter starts.
Do you've got another idea, where the problem is grounded? I'll investigate more, too.
Hey, I've got a problem with the Dialogue System. I use Unity 5.4.0f3 and Dialogue System Version 1.6.8.. The problem is that sometimes the first text of a conversation node doesn't get displayed. I use the modified Typwriter Effect that scrolls automaticly with the text. I can't pinpoint it to a sp...