I've been toying with the WRPG template, and it's almost exactly what I want to use for my game. However, I would like for the responses when clicked to be appended to the history of the conversation. And for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to do it. I'm sure this will be something very easy...
Oh god, I just realized I was getting the error because I accidentally added the event to the start node and it had no argument assigned to it... After fixing that. This actually works rather well. For reference, here is the code I'm using to resolve the quests that the problem was coming from: priv...
I think I can make that work. I hadn't thought of that! There may be a few changes that I have to make. In the game I'm working on the player actually acts as the quest giver. Assigning quests to NPCs. But the approach is basically the same. Maybe you could illuminate me on this error too. My invent...
I want to tie rewards to the quests in my game. I was going to do this using item scriptable objects that could contain multiple items that would be added to the player inventory when it's completed. I've managed to create the field type like below. [CustomFieldTypeService.Name("Reward")] ...