That is interesting... didn't know that at all!
It's working, thanks a lot Tony
Now, out of curiousity, how come namespace "PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem" can be accesed outside Plugins? Did you have to reference the assemblies somewhere?
Hi. I know this question is more related to c# but I've been slamming my head against the wall for a good amount of time by now, so I come here for some guidance. I have a script called "Assets/Scripts/x.cs" that I want to use in a custom sequence command, which is in Plugins/Pixel Crusher...
Hi Tony. Yes, I've searched for this before and found the Focus template in another similar question on this forum. Gave it a try but found that Focus works different than the one I'm using (Mobile). The problem I think is that Mobile disables the Portrait Image of the Subtitle Panel that isn't acti...
Hi. I'm having some issues with this. I'm using an Animator component for my NPC that has a fade-in animation on Entry status. This is working fine and whenever the NPC conversation node starts, it has a fade-in animation played. The problem comes with the fade-out animation. Since it looks like the...
Sorry for another question kinda unrelated (but no so much) so I don't have to open a new thread. Do you know why the importer always links the START node to a grouped node? I want the START node to be linked to the "Intro {script}" node....