Look Animator support

This page describes how to set up the Dialogue System with FImpossible Games' Look Animator. (Look Animator is required.)

Look Animator copyright © FImpossible Games.

Look Animator Setup

  1. Import this package:
    • Plugins ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Look Animator Support
  2. This will unpack files into this folder:
    • Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Look Animator Support.
  3. Play the example scene in the Example subfolder to familiarize yourself with the integration.
    • The listeners look at the speaker. The speaker looks at the character who is marked as the dialogue entry node's listener.
    • One of the lines ("And neither can that guy.") uses the LookAnimator() sequencer command to make everyone look at a third participant.
  4. Add Look Animator Dialogue Actor components and trigger colliders to your characters.

Look Animator Dialogue Actor

This component controls a character's Look Animator. It keeps a list of other Look Animator Dialogue Actors that have entered its trigger collider. When the character is one of the two primary conversation participants and is speaking a line, it makes the other characters look at it, while it looks at the character who is marked as the dialogue entry's listener.

LookAnimator() Sequencer Command


LookAnimator( target, subject|[all] )

This sequencer command subject(s) look at a target. If the target is a Look Animator Dialogue Actor, the subjects will look at the target's My Look Target transform. Otherwise the subjects will look at the target's transform. If the target is none, it will return to its original follow target.

For the subject, you can specify speaker, listener, the name of a GameObject – or all if you are in a conversation. If you specify all, the current speaker will tell all of its listeners to look at the target.

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