This page describes how to set up the Dialogue System with echo17's EndlessBook (EndlessBook is required.)
EndlessBook copyright © echo17.
EndlessBook integration is provided on the Dialogue System Extras page:
Direct download:
This integration imports into Assets / Pixel Crushers / Dialogue System / Third Party Support / EndlessBook Support.
Play the example scene located in the Example subfolder to get an idea of how it works. Then examine the dialogue database that it uses.
Once you have a feel for the integration, you can add an instance of the Book System prefab to your scene. Use the Book System GameObject as your conversation conversant so the conversation knows to use its special dialogue UI. If you don't want to assign it directly, you can create an actor in your database named "Book System", add a Dialogue Actor component to your Book System GameObject, and set its Actor field to "Book System".
You can change book model itself in the Book System prefab as well as the assets in the Page Assets subfolder, such as the texture used for the base page. Edit the Book System prefab's PageRenderCamera > Canvas > PageText to change the font used to show the book's content.
Conversations using the EndlessBook integration should be linear, with all dialogue entries assigned to NPC actor(s). Script and Sequence fields will be observed on the dialogue entries.
Use TextMesh Pro <sprite> tags to include images in your conversation text.
The sprites are pulled from the Sprite Asset assigned to the PageText's TextMeshProUGUI:
You can create and assign your own Sprite Asset. The example one is configured like this: