Unique ID Tool

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Internally, every element in a dialogue database (actor, item, conversation, etc.) has an ID number. Within a single database, these IDs are usually unique for each type of asset. However, it's likely that an ID used in one database may also be used in another database. If you load both databases at runtime, the IDs will conflict. The Dialogue System won't know which asset you're referring to with a given ID.

To prevent this, use the Unique ID Tool. Select Window > Dialogue System > Tools > Unique ID Tool.

Simply add the databases for which you want to guarantee unique IDs, and then click Process.

  • The "+" button adds a new slot that you can assign a database to.
  • The Folder button adds all databases in the current folder.
  • The All button will search the entire project and add all databases. This may take some time in a large project.

If you tick Verbose Logging, the tool will log all ID number changes in the console.

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