Proximity Selector

Component > Dialogue System > Actor > Player > Proximity Selector

Proximity Selector provides an interface for the player to target "usables" and send "OnUse" messages to them by entering their trigger areas.


Property Function
Use Default GUI If ticked, use a default OnGUI to display a selection message and targeting reticle
Gui Skin The GUI skin to use for the target's information (name and use message)
Gui Style Name (Not shown) The style in the GUI skin. Defaults to label
Alignment (Not shown) The text alignment
Color The color of the information labels when the target is in range
Text Style The text style for the name and use message
Text Style Color The color of the text style's outline or shadow
Default Use Message The default use message. This can be overridden in the target's ref usable component
Use Key The key that sends an OnUse message
Use Button The button that sends an OnUse message
Enable Touch Tick to enable touch triggering
Touch Area If touch triggering is enabled and there's a touch in this screen area, the selector triggers
Broadcast To Children If ticked, the OnUse message is broadcast to the usable object's children
Actor Transform (Not shown) The actor from which this message is sent. If not set, defaults to the Selector's transform


The Proximity Selector allows a player to target a usable by entering its trigger area. It works with 2D and 3D triggers. Once the player has targeted a usable, a key or button press will send an "OnUse" message to it.

The usable can handle the "OnUse" message by starting a conversation, playing a cutscene sequence, etc., typically by using a trigger component such as Conversation Trigger.

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