Daikon Forge Bark UI

Daikon Forge Bark UI Component

The Daikon Forge Bark UI component uses Daikon Forge GUI to display text above the NPC's head. Setting up Daikon Forge GUI barks requires two steps (and an optional third):

  1. Daikon Forge GUI requires a UI (e.g., "UI Root") to display anything. You must add one copy of the Daikon Forge Bark Root component to a panel or other container in a Daikon Forge UI. All barking NPCs will add their dfLabels as children of this object. You only need one bark root, regardless of how many NPCs will use it. Use a different layer for this UI (e.g., "Layer 9 - Barks") than your dialogue UI (e.g., "Layer 8 - GUI") to prevent their respective cameras from trying to draw each others' controls.
  2. Add a Daikon Forge Bark UI component to each NPC that will bark. Then set the appearance properties such as font, color, outline, etc. or use a template as described in the optional step below.
  3. (Optional) Instead of setting the properties on each bark UI, you can create a template label in your bark root. Assign this to the template field of each bark UI. The bark UI will clone the template and all of its appearance properties. You can deactivate the template object so it doesn't appear onscreen.
  4. You can also tick Include Name to include the barker's name in the bark text. Ticking Wait Until Sequence Ends will keep the bark text onscreen until the bark's associated cutscene sequence (if any) is over.

Check If Player Visible is ticked by default. When ticked, the barker runs a raycast to the main camera every frame that a bark is being displayed. If the raycast hits something, such as a wall, it hides the bark. If the raycast is clear, it shows the bark.

Script reference: PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DaikonForgeGUI.DaikonForgeBarkUI

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