Script reference: PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.BarkDialogueUI
The Bark Dialogue UI allows you to run a conversation using characters' bark UIs instead of the regular dialogue UI. In some cases you may find this preferable to chaining barks using BarkOnDialogueEvent.
In the example scene located in Examples/Bark Example/Bark Conversation
, Private Hart:
BarkDialogueUI is an empty GameObject that contains the BarkDialogueUI script.
The BarkDialogueUI implementation of IDialogueUI simply uses the participants' bark UIs to display lines in a conversation. If the player has multiple responses, it automatically chooses the first response.
In the example, a new GameObject named Private Hart Conversation Trigger is the trigger for the conversation. When the player enters the trigger area, the conversation starts. Stop Conversation On Trigger Exit is ticked, so if the player leaves the trigger area the conversation still stop.
Also in the example, the Player:
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