Animator Timeline Editor

How to Set Up Animator Timeline Editor Support

(Click Here for Video Tutorial)

To enable Animator Timeline Editor support in the Dialogue System, import the package Third Party Support/Animator Timeline Support. This will add a sequencer command that plays Animator Timeline takes. (Animator Timeline Editor is required.)

Animator Timeline Editor copyright © Abdulla Ameen.

Sequencer Commands


Syntax: AnimatorTimelinePlay(takeName[, loop[, nowait]])

Description: Plays an Animator Timeline Editor take.


  • takeName: The name of a take defined in AnimatorData.
  • loop: true to loop the take, false (or omit) to play once.
  • nowait: Start the take and immediately exit the command instead of waiting for it to finish.

Example: AnimatorTimelinePlay(Take 1, false, nowait) (*Play "Take 1" once and don't wait for it to finish.)

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